Revenue Enhancing
Premium Seating Areas
Turnkey Solutions to make your show more money.
Air shows, both civilian and military, have figured out that premium seating is a potentially lucrative source of revenue to help fund their show. Still, there are a lot of things that go into making a successful, profitable, and comfortable upscale show experience for your guests.
Your show can take the guessing and experimenting out of the equation when you bring Herb Gillen Agency onto your team. We are very proficient in helping shows design, monetize, and market premium seating programs that can produce hundreds of thousands of dollars for your show. We have done this at both civilian and military shows.
- A turnkey solution that takes the pressure off your show to organize, manage, market and produce.
- Unique solutions customized for your event covering a wide variety of consumer price points.
- Competitively priced to provide your show the biggest net return available.
- Produced by experienced, knowledgeable, trusted leaders of the air show industry.
A 650% Increase In Premium Seating Sales!
"The Thunder & Lightning Air Show at Davis-Monthan AFB had previously managed a premium seating program that sold $50,000 in seating. After hiring Herb Gillen Agency, sales in premium seating alone increased to $375,000, a 650% increase!"
Ready For Your Show to Takeoff?
1953 South Mallway Drive Columbus OH 43221 | 614 488 2828
Copyright 2023 Herb Gillen Airshows
Ready For Your Show to Takeoff?
1953 South Mallway Drive Columbus OH 43221 | 614 488 2828
Copyright 2025 Herb Gillen Airshows